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flag profil 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
flag profil 2016 est application consacre àchanger votre photo de profil à tout pays choisis à savoir: Taiwan,Algérie, Egypte, Etats-Unis, Allemagne, France, Palestine, Russie,la Turquie, Grèce, l'Irak, l'Arabie Saoudite, la Tunisie, Belgique,Espagne, Italie, Lybie, Chine, Corée, Londres, Royaume-Uni, laJordanie, Iran, le Yémen, Emirats arabes unis, Brésil, Argentine,Chili, le Qatar et le MarocEn prenant une photo ou l'importer depuis la galerie et l’intégrerdepuis plusieurs drapeaux. Vous pouvez la publier sur Facebook etTwitter et de la télécharger.Cela dit, cette application a pour objectif d'avoir la paix entreles différents pays, et dire non au terrorisme, non auchauvinisme,2016 flag profile isdedicated to implementing change your profile picture at anyselected countries are: Taiwan, Algeria, Egypt, USA, Germany,France, Palestine, Russia, Turkey, Greece, Iraq, Saudi Arabia ,Tunisia, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Libya, China, Korea, London, UnitedKingdom, Jordan, Iran, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Brazil,Argentina, Chile, Qatar and MoroccoTaking a photo or import from the gallery and integrate for severalflags. You can post it on Facebook and Twitter and download.That said, this application aims to have peace between countries,and say no to terrorism, no to chauvinism,
شهوات بلادي 2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
أروع شهوات 2016 تطبيق جديد مليء بألذ و أشهىالأكلات العربية والمغربية خاصة. ناهيك عن غناه بالوصفات و الأطباقالتقليدية و كيفية تهييئها. طاجين و دجاج المحمر و سلطات باردة تساعدكفي تعلم المبتدئين وحتى ربات البيوت لتزيين مائدتك.تحضير مشروبات وعواصرمنعشة سهلة ومتنوعة بمقادير مضبوطة، بالإضافة الى حلويات لذيذةللأطفال أو في المناسبات، بالنسبة للذين يعشقون الأسماك، هذا التطبيقمليء أيضا بوصفات الأسماك: سمك مقلي، محشو في الفرن أو طاجين، طرطات وكيك، رغايف مالحين و حلوين، طريقة صنع كرواصة سندويتش للأطفال..بالنسبة للذين لا يتوفرون على لوحة المفاتيح باللغة العربية يمكنهمالبحث باستعمال الكلمات التالية:chhiwat bladi, wasafat maghribya2016 lusts of the coolestnew application is full of the most delicious and delicious Arabicand Moroccan cuisine in particular. Not to mention his riches withrecipes and traditional dishes and how to Thaaiha. Tagine andchicken reddish and authorities cool help in learning novices andeven housewives to decorate Maidtk.thouder drinks and easy andvaried amounts set Awasrmenashh, in addition to the delicioussweets for children or on special occasions, for those who love tofish, this application is also full of recipes fish: fried fish,Stuffed in the oven or Tajin, Tirtat and Cake, and salt-waterRgayev Hleuen, Caruash how to make a sandwich for the kids..For those who have not had access to the keyboard in Arabic you cansearch using the following words:chhiwat bladi, wasafat maghribya
نكت خاسرة للكبار2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
يحتوي هذا التطبيق على مختلف النكت المضحكة،وخاصة نكت ماتحت الحزام، للترفيه والتسلية، سارع للحصول على نسخةمنها. بالنسبة للذين لا يتوفرون على لوحة المفاتيح باللغة العربيةيمكنهم البحث باستعمال الكلمات التالية:nokat mghribia, nokat lilkbar, nokat khasraThis application containsvarious jokes funny, especially jokes subcutaneous belt, leisureand entertainment, hurried to get a copy of it. For those who havenot had access to the keyboard in Arabic you can search using thefollowing words:nokat mghribia, nokat lilkbar, nokat khasra
نصائح زوجية ليلة الدخلة 2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
ارتقى خبراء علم النفس و علماء الاجتماع إلى طرحبعض النصائح الزوجية التي قد تفيدكي سيدتي، سيدي. من أهم مقوماتالسعادة الزوجية التوافق العاطفي و الجنسي بين الزوجين خاصة ليلةالدخلة. وكلما توفرت عناصر البهجه و الاستمتاع الحلال كلما كانالزوجان أكثر راحة وهناء. وعلى الزوجين أن يعرفا أن الحواس الخمس تلعبدوراً هاماً بهذا الخصوص. وهذه الحواس هي البصر والسمع و الشم واللمسو التذوق. واستخدام هذه الحواس في التواصل والمداعبة وممارسة الحبتعمق الاحساس بالمتعة وتثري اللقاء الدافئ بين الزوجين. كلما تنوعتهذه الوسائل وتم ابتكار أنماط جديدة منها كلما زاد الإحساس بالبهجهوالمتعه المشتركة. من بين أهم النصائح الموجودة في هذا التطبيق:وسائل لاثارة الرجل في غرفة النوم، نصائح في غرفة النوم للمتزوجين،أسرار غرفة النوم، ماذا يفعله الزوجين في الحمام.Psychology experts andscientists elevated the meeting to ask some marital tips that mayTviedka Madam, Sir. The most important elements of maritalhappiness, sexual emotional compatibility between the couple aspecial wedding day. The more available the elements of glamor andenjoy whenever muslim couple was more comfortable and Hana. Andthat the couple have known they that the five senses play animportant role in this regard. These senses are sight, hearing andsmell, touch and taste. And the use of these senses incommunication, foreplay and lovemaking deepening sense of fun andenrich the warm meeting between the couple. This means the morevaried were creating new patterns, including the more common senseof joy and pleasure. Among the most important tips in thisapplication:Means to stir the man in the bedroom, tips for married couples tosleep in the room, the secrets of the bedroom, what do the couplein the bathroom.
أذكار الصباح و المساء 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
أذكار الصباح و المساء تطبيق جديد يحتوي علىمجموعة من الأذكار برونق جديد و حلة جديدة.يجب علينا ترديد الأذكار في الصباح و المساء وذلك لما لها من فوائدعظيمة على الإنسان من طرد للشيطان و رضوان من الرحمان، و إنزال الكربو الهم، و جلب للفرح و السرور. إشغال اللسان بذكر الله في الرخاء،عرفه الله في الشدة، و من خلاله يشتغل اللسان عن كل أذى للآخر من غيبةونميمة. ٱشغلو ألسنتكم بالذكر في دنياكم فزتم بآخرتكم.Morning and evening a newapplication contains a collection of Azkar new and elegance of anew suit.We must repeat dhikr in the morning and evening, and because of itsgreat benefits on the rights of the expulsion of the devil andRadwan of the Merciful, and take down the anguish and concern, andto bring joy and pleasure. Occupancy tongue remembrance of Allah inprosperity, God knew him in distress, and through it all runs thetongue harm to another of absence and gossip. ٱchglo your tonguesmentioning in your world you win Bakhrtkm.
نكت مغربية ساخرة 1.0
Yara ihlou
أجمل و أفضل النكت المغربية بالدارجة، بما فيهاالمصرية، ناهيك على أنها نكت محترمة و زوينة. هذا التطبيق متخصص فيالنكت القصيرة التي ستشهد بحول الله نجاحا كبيرا. ٱمرح وٱنشط معأصدقاءك، مع خليلتك، مع أهلكللذين لا يتوفرون على لوحة المفاتيح باللغة العربية يمكنهم البحثباستعمال الكلمات التالية:Nokat mghribia, nokat maghrybia, nokat bidarija 2016The most beautiful andbest stock is Moroccan jokes, including Egyptian, not to mentionthe jokes as a respectable and Zoe. This application specializes inshort-jokes that will see the Grace of God a great success. ٱmrahand ٱnct with your friends, with Khaliltk, with your familyNot to those who had access to the keyboard in Arabic they cansearch using the following words:Nokat mghribia, nokat maghrybia, nokat bidarija 2016
ألغاز و حلول 2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
ألغاز و حلول تطبيق جديد يحتوي على ألغاز عقليةصعبة وحلول مرافقة لها بطريقة تفاعلية.يشمل هذا التطبيق على عدة أنواع من الألغاز العقلية، و الصعبة، والرياضية، و كذلك للأذكياء.في هذا التطبيق تجدون 100 لغز مرفق بالحل.لتطوير ذكاأتكم، وقدراتكم الحسية على التركيز، ولتجعلوا أبناءكمللتسلية بين أقرانهم، شكرا لتحميل هذا التطبيقGas, new applicationsolutions containing gas tough mentality and solutions to accompanythem in an interactive way.This includes the application on several types of mental puzzles,and difficult, and sports, as well as the intelligent.In this application you will find 100 Facility puzzlesolution.Zkaotkm to develop, and sensory abilities to concentrate, and tomake the sons of amusement among their peers, thanks to downloadthis application
وصفات طبية تقليدية 2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
وصفات طبية تقليدية تطبيق يهتم بمجموعة منالممارسات والمناهج والمعارف والمعتقدات الطبية التي تتضمن استخدامالأدوية والأساليب العلاجية الروحانية والتقنيات اليدوية والتمارينالقائمة على النباتات والحيوانات والمعادن، والتي تُطبق بصورة فرديةأو جماعية للمداواة والتشخيص والوقاية من الأمراض أو الحفاظ علىالصحة. تنقسم العلاجات الأهلية إلى عدة فئات: أعشاب علاجية أوروبيةمعينة مشهورة قدمها المستعمرون الأسبان الأوائل والتي ما زالت تُزرععلى نطاق واسع؛ والنباتات البرية والمزروعة الأهلية التي تم تبنياستخدامها من الهنود الأمريكيين؛ ونباتات الزينة أو غيرها التي قُدمتحديثًا نسبيًا وتم ابتكار استخداماتها العلاجية بدون أي أساستاريخي.ناهيك عن الطب الصيني الذي لقي إقبالا علا الصعيد العالمي كالوخزبالإبر. يحتوي هذا التطبيق على الوقاية من الأمراض باستعمال الأعشابوالخضراوات الطبيعية.Prescriptions traditionalapplication cares about a range of practices and curricula andmedical knowledge and beliefs that include the use of drugs andmethods therapeutic spirituality and techniques manual list andexercises on plants, animals and minerals, which apply individuallyor collectively to heal, diagnosis and prevention of disease ormaintain health. Civil remedies are divided into severalcategories: Herbs therapeutic European certain famous given by theSpanish colonizers first and that is still grown on a large scale;and wild flora and civil cultivated which was adopted use ofAmerican Indians; and ornamental plants or other that relativelyrecently submitted and innovation therapeutic uses without anyhistorical basis.Not to mention the Chinese medicine who was popular Ola globallyKalokhoz acupuncture. This application to the prevention of diseaseusing natural herbs and vegetables contain.
أمثال و حكم 2016 1.1
Yara ihlou
أمثال و حكم تطبيق يقدم لكم حكما، أقوالا،أمثالاو كلاما من ذهب من اقتباسات المشاهير و الصالحين و الحكماء.تجدون علىهذه التطبيق حكما عربية قديمة والتي لا زالت متداولة بينالناس.تستطيعون أيضا اكتشاف مختلف تعبير عفوي عن مواقف وأحداث تمر فيحياتنا،فمهما إندثرت الأجيال تبقى حكمهم وأمثالهم تتوارث فنأخذ منهاالعبر وقدنستخدمها للتعبير عن مواقف معينة، وقد تختلف وتتغيّربألفاظها ولكنمضمونها واحد، فالعلم العربي مليء بالحكموالأمثالAnd the likes ofruleapplication offers you a sentence, sayings, and words Omthalawentquotes from celebrities and righteous and wise men. You willfindthis application on the old Arabic sentence which is stillincirculation among the people. Also you can variousspontaneousexpression of attitudes and events pass in our livesdiscoveryeverybody disappeared generations remain their judgmentand theirilk inherited Let us take them lessons have we use toexpresscertain situations, may vary and change Bolvazaa but thecontent ofone, science Arab is full of governance andproverbs
Paroles d'amour 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
Un téléchargement gratuit lesmeilleurescitations et l'amour phrases en français à partager.Envoyez-les àdes gens que vous aimez le plus et leur dire que vousles aimez.Surprenez votre conjoint avec de belles images ou detoucher desmessages d'amour.Découvrez les plus belles phrases les peines d'amour, des phrasesàdraguer, amour pour envoyer un "je vous aime" à votre bien-aimé,dedire compliments à votre copain ou copine, déclarer votre amourdecette fille ou garçon dans le rire surprenant ou de faire, outoutsimplement des phrases pour exprimer vos sentiments et rientaussiun peu.téléchargement gratuit les meilleures citations et l'amourphrasesen français à partager. Envoyez-les à des gens que vousaimez leplus et leur dire que vous les aimez. Surprenez votreconjoint avecde belles images ou de toucher des messagesd'amour.Découvrez les plus belles phrases les peines d'amour, des phrasesàdraguer, amour pour envoyer un "je vous aime" à votre bien-aimé,dedire compliments à votre copain ou copine, déclarer votre amourdecette fille ou garçon dans le rire surprenant ou de faire, outoutsimplement des phrases pour exprimer vos sentiments et rientaussiun peu.• vous trouverez également de beaux poèmes d'amour.• Des centaines de messages d'amour à envoyer àvotrepartenaire• Une fois que vous avez téléchargé les citations que vouspouvezvoir même sans Internet!• Vue d'ensemble de toutes les citations dans un coup d'oeil surlapage d'accueil• Vos phrases favorites sont stockées dans un onglet"Favoris"• Vous pouvez afficher citations au hasard• Chaque citation peut être partagé sur Facebook• En cliquant sur une offre, il apparaît en grand dans unenouvellefenêtre• Une fonction de recherche vous permet de trouver facilementundevis particulier• Les phrases les plus spéciales et romantique du monde.• phrases pleines de sens qui ne vous laissera pas indifférentetatteindre le cœur.• Phrase du jour à l'heure programmée.• Vous pouvez utiliser cette application sansconnexionInternet.• Vous pouvez changer la couleur de police.• Vous pouvez changer l'image de fond d'écran.• Vous pouvez changer la taille de la policeFree download thebestquotes and love French phrases to share. Send them to peopleyoulove the most and tell them that you love them. Surpriseyourspouse with beautiful images or touching messages oflove.Discover the most beautiful sentences heartbreak, phrasesdredgedlove to send an "I love you" to your loved one, saycompliments toyour boyfriend or girlfriend, declare your love tothat girl or boyin the surprising laugh or make, or just sentencesto express yourfeelings and also laugh a little.Free download the best quotes and love French phrases to share.Sendthem to people you love the most and tell them that you lovethem.Surprise your spouse with beautiful images or touchingmessages oflove.Discover the most beautiful sentences heartbreak, phrasesdredgedlove to send an "I love you" to your loved one, saycompliments toyour boyfriend or girlfriend, declare your love tothat girl or boyin the surprising laugh or make, or just sentencesto express yourfeelings and also laugh a little.• you will also find beautiful love poems.• Hundreds of love messages to send to your partner• Once you have downloaded the quotes you can see evenwithoutinternet!• Overview of all quotes view, and look on the home page• Your favorite phrases are stored in a "Favorites" tab• You can display random quotes• Each citation can be shared on Facebook• By clicking on an offer he appears in full in a new window• A search function allows you to easily find aparticularquote• The most special phrases and romantic in the world.• sentences full of meaning that will not leave you indifferentandreach the heart.• Phrase of the day at the scheduled time.• You can use this application without Internet connection.• You can change the font color.• You can change the wallpaper image.• You can change the font size
best jokes 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
Jokes to laugh, to smile and giggle!Can be shared: By email, On Facebook On Twitter On SMS andWhat'supNew Blonde Jokes every dayCool joke to your friendOver 200 joke in many different categories.jokes in many different categories:This App contains jokes between friends, riddles, joke ofchildren,Mr. and Mrs.You can share on Facebook and make your friends laugh withthesejoke.Every day you are notified of the joke of the day.In this free app, you will have the opportunity to put yours inthestatus of your facebook account. Impresses your friends andyourchildren! You will have fun by downloading the applicationnow!This is one of the most popular free applications on theAndroidmarket. great humor you will access in this application!Tryit.Have fun with these jokes!A set of jokes funny and bold for adults await you inthisapplication and is characterized by many features that make itthebest among other applications easy publish any jokes to friendsviasocial media and calculating application National jokes easy touseand light on the phone carried him my best popular jokesIn this funny app you will find:Latest JokesJoke of the DayAnimal JokesBlonde Jokes
traveler rabbit 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
Fly Happy Rabbit will be the most gamein2016.blow your rabbit with a click on the cloud curseur.d'unanotherrabbit tried to target first the cloud top, without thatcaught thewolf. If not you have 5 attempts for the game ends.Traveler Rabbithad an internship infinities depending on yourability toconcentrate
changer la voix gratuitement 1.0
Yara ihlou
Enregistrez votre voix et rassemblez-la avecdenombreux effets pour la modifier et la rejouer à vos amis.Vous pourrez transformer votre voix en celle d'un Ghost,SlowMotion, Robot, Normal, Chipmunk, Funny, Bee, et Elephent; Celaestfacile avec l'application "Changer la voix gratuitement"Record yourselfandcollect it with many effects to edit and replay yourfriends.You can turn your voice into that of a Ghost, Slow Motion,Robot,Normal, Chipmunk, Funny, Bee and elephent; This is easy usingthe"Change the voice for free"
Birthday Wishes and Message 1.0
Yara ihlou
Best wishes, quotes, poems and birthday SMSisa collection of over 200 of goodwill birthday quotes happy tosharewith all who will celebrate their new year.is a wonderful opportunity to express your feelings to yourpartner.So, try these wishes and romantic birthday messages toyourboyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife and girlfriend and havethemlove you more.No need something creative messages birth to you brothersandsisters, husband, wife, father, mother or even friends.ON prepared a complete collection of birthday invitations, youwillfind classic birthday wishes, bidding for your girlfriendorboyfriend, and most important, tons of funny and entertaininghappybirthday texts congratulate your loved ones.- To your parents: If you want to say "Happy New Year ofBirth"to your mom, dad, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandparents,etc.,just download this app now to do so in a way easy andquick.For your relationship: If instead, you want to send SMS aretocongratulate your family, call boyfriend, girlfriend, husbandorwife, the program has one of the best and most interesting ideastocomplete your couple.- For your friends: If you are looking for the besthappybirthday messages for your friends, this applicationwilldefinitely help you with this task you will be able tocongratulatethem on your cell phone in a very original and funnyway.Do you have a notification of someone's birthday on yoursocialnetwork? In this case, you can use this app with the besthappybirthday quotes to wish that person the best on thisspecialday.All are free.Application features:- New and free download- The small size of the application and supports allAndroiddevices- Works without Internet- Amazing Graphics- You can change the font color.- You can change the background image.- You can change the font size- Birthday Wishes for:- Friends- Best friend- For your special day- For the year and new year- Birthday Love quotes- Funny Birthday Wishes- Birthday Party Celebrations- Quotes short Birthday- Birthday Quotes- Birthday love messages- SMS romantic birthday- SMS MESSAGES ANNIVERSARYDownload now the free app SMS Quotes! Discover all our quotesandpoems in SMS format now. Unlock them all, select yourfavoritequotes and poems and send them to your friends via SMS,Whatsapp orFacebook! Sign up for our newsletter for free activate25 newquotes and share them with your contactsThe holidays are regularly updated and greeting messagesrelatedthereto.Feel free to send us your proposals / suggestions.
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Yara ihlou
Saying "I love you" by text has nothingtacky.But it is true that there are many ways of expressing love bySMS.You can do a simple way with a "I love you", "I adore you","I'mmad / crazy for you" ... (is fast but effective). You can alsodomore expressively describing your feelings, your passion orquotinga romantic sentence of a great writer who can be will havehad theright words to describe exactly how you feel, or to finishwritinga texto original and fun completely.Because, yes, love is complicated, expressing feelings too! Sowegive you some ideas of beautiful romantic SMS to tell the womanorthe man in your life that you love like the first day. Hereyouwill find several categories: classic, poetic, original, funnyandlove texting courts.You can send these text messages aimlessly, just like aprettyoriginal proof of love, or for a special occasion(birthday,distance, party ...).Our tip: a little love texting, when unexpected (or even rare),willprovide a small effect from the person you love! However,sendingtoo many text messages in love with his girlfriend orboyfriend willcause the opposite effect to that intended.Discover the most beautiful love sentences, phrases to bedredged,love phrases to send an "I love you" to your beloved, tosaycompliments to your boyfriend or girlfriend, declare your lovethisgirl or that boy in the surprising or making laugh, orjustsentences to express your feelings and also laugh alittle.• you also find beautiful poems of love.• Hundreds of love messages to send to your partner• Once you have downloaded the citations you can view thesamewithout the Internet!• Overview of all citations in a glance on the home page• Your favorite phrases are stored in a "Favorites" tab• You can display quotes randomly• Each citation can be shared on Facebook• Clicking on a quote, it appears in full in a new window• A search function allows you to easily find aparticularquote• The most special phrases and romantic in the world.• sentences full of meaning that will not leave you indifferentandreach the heart.• Phrase of the day at the preset time.• You can use this application without Internet connection.• You can change the font color.• You can change the image of the wallpaper.• You can change the font size
Prank call international fake 1.1
Yara ihlou
You want your friends think you are gettinganimportant call and you prefer more celebrities like thepresidentor other celebrities?Fake Caller helps you select a caller from your contacts listorenter a new contact. One can also select the time to call andsetup multiple fake calls at different times.Function "Record yourself" allows you to record false voice ofthecaller. The recorded voice can be automatically played whenyoureceive a call.How it works:1. Choose you want to simulate: Fake Calling2. Set the name and telephone.3. Record your voice: The voice can be played automatically whenyoulift a call.4. Choose delay time to receive fake calls.5. Fool your friends !!!Why use our app Fake calling.?- Fake Call Prank free and international free. There will alwaysbefree.- You can make fake calls all you want- Fake Call Prank even works offline also.- Prank Call-you.
blagues droles 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
Blagues droles 2016 à pour but derépertorierle plus grand nombre de blagues dans différentescatégories dans unsouci d'exhaustivité et aussi pour permettre àchaque personne detrouver son type d'humour préféré. Une blaguedifférente chaquematin.Il contient 200 blagues différentes dont la quelle voustrouverezles blagues:- Blagues pour enfants- blague courte- blague trop drole- blagues humour noir.Tous les jours vous êtes averti de la blague du jour.Tout pour rigoler, merci de télécharger cette application. Ceciestl'une des applications gratuites sans internet les pluspopulairessur les système android. amusez-vous bien!Funny jokes 2016 aimstoidentify the greatest number of jokes in different categoriesforthe sake of completeness and also to allow each person to findhisfavorite type of humor. A different joke each morning.It contains 200 different jokes which what you willfindjokes:- Jokes for children- Short joke- Too funny joke- Black humor jokes.Every day you are notified of the joke of the day.Just for fun, thank you to download this application. This is oneoffree apps without the most popular internet on android system.havefun!
كلام في الحب 2016 1.0
Yara ihlou
هذا التطبيق يعطي العشاق رونقا رومانسيا،يفسرمدى إحساس كل من الرجل و المرأة. إذا كنت في علاقة عاطفية مؤثرة،هذاالتطبيق يحتوي على كل ما تريد، علاوة علا ذلك، تجدين سيدتي كلماتتخصالأزواج لعيد الحب، ناهيك سيدي عن تعابير تسكت جراحك وأنينقلبك.بالنسبة للذين لا يتوفرون على لوحة المفاتيح باللغة العربيةيمكنهمالبحث باستعمال الكلمات التالية:Parole d’amour, kalam fi l7obThis applicationgiveslovers a romantic elegance, explains the sense of the extentofboth men and women. If you're in a romanticrelationshipimpressive, this application contains everything youwant, as wellas Ola so, you find Madam words belong to couplesholiday of love,not to mention sir for expressions tended to besilent and moanyour heart.For those who have not had access to the keyboard in Arabic youcansearch using the following words:Parole d'amour, kalam fi l7ob
Valentine day photo frame 2017 1.0
Yara ihlou
Happy Valentine's Day 2017"Will you be my Valentine?" "Nowadays, people often ask thatoftheir loved ones in greeting cards. Tree of free love. No doubtthefirst greeting cards, Valentine's Day in hand, appeared inthesixth century. It's been a long time, companies began toproducecards. Initially, these cards were hand-colored by factoryworkers.Tree of free love. At the beginning of the twentiethcentury, thesame fancy lace and ribbon dotted with cards werecreated bymachineWith Valentine's Photo Frames, you can easily add romanticframesto your favorite photos and share them with your friendsviaWhatsap, Facebook, Email, SMS ...La Saint Valentin Fonds and Qype offer you:** Wallpapers can set as the main display or as a lockscreen,contact.** Quick and intuitive interface.** Animated screen loading, about Valentine's Day theme.** Possibility to modify the size of the wallpaper foryourneeds.** Add a thumbs up if you liked the wallpaper on Valentine's Dayorthe thumbs down.❤ Main function- 20 Valentine frames- Add your photos and stickers romanticHow ❤❤ utiliser❤❤- Take pictures using the phone's camera or select a photo fromthegallery- Choose text bubble, sticker- Resize, zoom in and out, image rotation, textbubble,stickers- Select the frame you want to complete- Save to Gallery, Share on Facebook, Twiter, Whatsap, SMS ..
fake call 2017 new 1.1
Yara ihlou
False calling is a useful tool that canclaimthat someone is calling to you. Thanks to phone incoming call,youcan leave the meeting or stop an uncomfortable conversation. Itisthe best way to avoid undesirable discussions or events. Youcancustomize the call so it will look as realistic as possible.Changethe caller's name, number or photo!Do you want your friends to think you've found animportantappeal and you prefer them more celebrities like thepresident orother celebrities?False caller helps you select a caller from your contact listorenter a new contact. You can also select the time to callandconfigure several false calls at different times.False call is a "Record Your Voice" feature that allows youtorecord fake voices from the caller. This recorded voice canbeplayed automatically when you receive a call.How it works:** Choose you want to simulate: Fake Call.** Define the name, phone and photograph.** Record your voice: Voice can be played automatically whenyouraise a call.** Choose to delay the time to receive fake calls or fakeSMS.** Fool your friends !!!Why use our simulated call joke application.- Fake Call is Free. He will always be free.- You can make fake calls whatever you want.- Fake Call even works offline.- We will update the application regularly.Features- Fake incoming call, outgoing call, missed call- Fake call logs- Using Proximity Sensor (wave on top left corner to activate afakecall, experimental feature)- Shortcut to one-click fake- Very easy to pick a contacts from call history, sms orcontactbook- Show notification for call log and sms- Fake immediately, in the past, in the future- Fake call with vibration, ringtone- Scheduling for future messages, call logsThis application shows as on your phone, so that no body canknowyou fake a call log
Fak Call from Killer Clown 1.1
Yara ihlou
Fack Call from Killer Clown it's anewapplication of this year 2017.Fool your friends by thinking them you are getting an scarycallfrom a very creepy killer clown By Using The Killer ClownPrankCalling App.Get laughter with your friends and enjoy this false callofKiller Clown.Deceive your friends by thinking that you receive a scary callfroma very appalling killer clown using the calling app PrankCallerKiller.Do you want your friends to think you're getting a scary callandyou prefer more celebrities like the killer clown orothercelebrities? Amaze your friends by asking for a free phonecalllimit customized from the clown killer parenting tool andScareyour friends by allowing them to call clown killer.Call of Killer Clown Joke helps you to select a caller name(killerclown) and its number. One can also choose the call timeandestablish multiple false calls at different times.Is an actual note just calls a joke for fun.Prank Call killer clown joke is a game application where youcanmake it look like you call killer clown live broochThis is not a real call and only an imitation! The applicationdoesnot support any damage clean calls free and is only for fun!It'sjust an application calling a jokeThis app is intended for entertainment purposes and fakephonenumber only for fun and does not provide real killerclown.And to show a friend a fake phone number scary, he will beverysurprised!How to use killer clown call you:1. Enter it manually: Choose the number and the name of thecaller(eg the killer clown)2. Choose the gallery image.3. Select your call time or enter it manually.4. Select the ringtone of your preferred caller.Then he plans and then you will get a fake call scaryfromekillerCharacteristics and requirements:-Fake clown number calling talking.- Add the name of the caller- Add Caller ID- Instant false call- Set the call time to 15 seconds, 45 seconds, 2 minutes, 10minutesand 30 minutes.- Answer the incoming call of the clown killer and have a catcallwith him- Change the name of the caller- Change the caller's number- Change the country of the caller- Custom call time- Wake the mobile screen on call even sleep- It's free download- It's easy to useWarning: This app contains graphic images and sounds of ascaryclown.Get into the Halloween Spirit with Call from Killer Clown!For this Halloween, download the spookiest app that willsendchills down your spine. Call from Killer Clown featuresapre-recorded fake video call from a very creepy killerclown,preformed by our voice actor. Whether trying to have a littlescaryfun for yourself or trying to surprise your friends, you willfindCall from Killer Clown the perfect app to grab forthisHalloween!